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The GM Phobia is Toxic

The GM Phobia is Toxic Reading Sequence - follow the color order to read this infographic An infographic about a singular phenomenon appeared in countries around the world. 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 8 Public's Interest At Heart Public policy that discriminates against and discourage vital innovations in food production is not policy that has the public's interest at heart. 2012 2010 2008 Regulatory Agencies Tenacious Opposition 2006 Many regulatory agencies established Activists continue to mount vocal opposition to genetically engineered foods, despite almost 20 years of demonstrated benefits, including reduced use of chemical pesticides, greater use of farming practices that prevent soil erosion, higher profits for farmers and less fungal contamination. recommended maximum fumonisin level permitted in food and feed products - an approach that resulted as both wasteful and failure-prone. 2004 4 Fungal Toxins Fumonisin and some other fungal toxins are highly toxic, causing esophageal cancer in humans and fatal diseases in livestock that eat infected food. 2002 Products Withheld Innumerable packaged food products worldwide are withheld or recalled due to "all natural" contaminations like insect parts, toxic molds, bacteria and viruses. Modern Technology 2000 The genetic engineering of plants offer a way to prevent the problem. Such products offer the food industry a proven and practical means of tackling the fungal contamination at its source. Legal Jeopardy By yielding to the demands of a minuscule number of disingenuous activists, the companies opted to offer less safe products to consumers, thereby exposing themselves to legal jeopardy. 1998 1996 1994 Capitulation Food and beverages companies capitulated to activists opposed to a promising new technology: the genetic engineering of plants to produce ingredients. 1992 1900 Copyright: ProjectSyndicate Report Credits: Henry I Miller - Founding Director, Office of Biotechnology, US Food and Drug Administration Visual Design: Abhijeet Chavan | [email protected]

The GM Phobia is Toxic

shared by AbhijeetVizual on May 29
A visual story of the report developed by Henry Miller. This info-graphic narrates the journey of the GM food and it's turning points.


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